How To Install Nginx, MySQL and PHP (FEMP) Stack on FreeBSD 13.0

1. First, update your FreeBSD system.

# freebsd-update fetch
# freebsd-update install 

2. Install Nginx.

# pkg install nginx

Enable Nginx:
# sysrc nginx_enable=yes
Start Nginx:
# service nginx start

Check if nginx is running normally?
It worked.

3. Install MySQL

# pkg install mysql80-client mysql80-server
Enable MySQL:
# sysrc mysql_enable=yes
Start MySQL:
# service mysql-server start 
Starting mysql.

4. Install PHP

The following command to install php8.0 and commonly used modules:
# pkg install php74 php74-mysqli php74-mbstring php74-zlib php74-curl php74-gd php74-json

5. Configure Nginx and PHP to make them work together

Edit Nginx's config file  /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf  uncomment or modify or add config as follows:

user  www;
error_log  /var/log/nginx/error.log;
http block:
access_log  /var/log/nginx/access.log; 
location ~ \.php$ {
    root           /usr/local/www/nginx;
    fastcgi_index  index.php;
    fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME  $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;    
    include        fastcgi_params;

Restart Nginx:
# service nginx restart
Configure php-fpm
# cp /usr/local/etc/php.ini-production  /usr/local/etc/php.ini

Open file /usr/local/etc/php.ini and uncomment out ;cgi.fix_pathinfo=1  and change it's value to 0.
Enable php-fpm:
# sysrc php_fpm_enable=yes
Start php-fpm:
# service php-fpm start 
Create file /usr/local/www/nginx/info.php 
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
Check if they work?

It worked.

Delete /usr/local/www/nginx/info.php
# rm -rf  /usr/local/www/nginx/info.php


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