Commond Commands in Vim Command(Normal) Mode

  • dG : Deletes all data up to the last column where the cursor is located.
  • gd :  Goes to the local declaration in current file, while placing the cursor on any variable or function in your program.
  • gD : Goes to the global declaration in current file, while placing the cursor on any variable or function in your program.
  • g + ] : Goes to the definition of variable or function in different file, while placing the cursor on any variable or function in your program. The premise is that the system has installed ctags, and executed the comand ctags -R * (generated file tags) in the project directory. By the way I installed software universal-ctags on Ubuntu.
  • g* : Search for the word under the cursor (like *, but g* on "rain" will find words like "rainbow"). 
  • g# : Same as g* but in backward direction.
  • gg : Goes to the first line in the buffer (or provide a count before the command for a specific line).
  • G : Goes to the last line (or provide a count before the command for a specific line).
  • Ctrl + o :  Jump to the previous position of "jump list", a list of places where your cursor has been to.
  • Ctrl + i : Jump to the next position of "jump list", a list of places where your cursor has been to.


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