Booting bhyve Debian/Ubuntu Linux VM with UEFI Firmware on FreeBSD

Preparing the Host

First, load the bhyve kernel module:
# kldload vmm
Then, create a tap interface for the network device in the virtual machine to attach to. In order to for the network device to participate in the network, also create a bridge interface containing the tap interface and the physical interface as members. In this example, the physical interface is em0:
# ifconfig tap0 create
# sysctl 0 -> 1
# ifconfig bridge0 create
# ifconfig bridge0 addm em0 addm tap0
# ifconfig bridge0 up

Using ZFS with bhyve Guests

A ZFS volume can be created by:
# zfs create -V88G -o volmode=dev zroot/linuxdisk0
If you want to destroy ZFS file.
# zfs list
For example the ZFS file you want to destroy is  win10disk0:
# zfs destroy  zroot/linuxdisk0

Preparing for the Installation

Download Debian/Ubuntu Linux iso.

Install VNC client
# pkg install tightvnc

In order to make use of the UEFI support in bhyve, first obtain the UEFI firmware images. This can be done by installing sysutils/bhyve-firmware as follows:
# pkg install sysutils/bhyve-firmware

Install Linux

# sh
If there is warning message as follows:
vm_reinit: Device busy

The instance of the virtual machine needs to be destroyed before it can be started again:
# bhyvectl --destroy --vm=guestlinux

The script is as follows(change the /path/to/linux.iso to your own path ):
bhyve -c 1 -m 1G -w -H \
-s 0,hostbridge \
-s 1,ahci-cd,/path/to/linux.iso \
-s 2,ahci-hd,/dev/zvol/zroot/linuxdisk0 \
-s 3,virtio-net,tap0 \
-s 29,fbuf,tcp=,w=1280,h=720,wait \
-s 30,xhci,tablet \
-s 31,lpc \
-l bootrom,/usr/local/share/uefi-firmware/BHYVE_UEFI.fd \

Understanding bhyve command-line options:
  • -c : number of  virtual CPUs
  • -m : RAM/memory size for VM 
  • -w : ignore unimplemented MSRs
  • -H : host filesystem to export to the loader
  • -s : Configure a virtual PCI slot and other function such as hard disk, cdrom, and other devices
  • -l : the OS loader to use(uefi needed for non-FreeBSD oses such as Linux/Windows guests)

Open a new terminal to use VNC client.
$ vncviewer 
Input into the popup window. And installing linux. The VNC window will close when linux restart.

Start Linux

# sh is as follows:
bhyve -c 1 -m 1G -w -H \
-s 0,hostbridge \
-s 2,ahci-hd,/dev/zvol/zroot/linuxdisk0 \
-s 3,virtio-net,tap0 \
-s 29,fbuf,tcp=,w=1280,h=720,wait \
-s 30,xhci,tablet \
-s 31,lpc \
-l bootrom,/usr/local/share/uefi-firmware/BHYVE_UEFI.fd \

As you can see,if you remove the line -s 1,ahci-cd,/path/to/linux.iso \  from, it will become

The error you will encounter.

Persistent Configuration

In order to configure the system to start bhyve guest at boot time, the following configurations must be made in the specified files:
cloned_interfaces="bridge0 tap0"
ifconfig_bridge0="addm em0 addm tap0"


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