Quicksort, like merge sort, applies the divid-and-conquer paradigm. Here is the three-step divide-and-conquer process for sorting a typical subarray A[p..r]:
Divide: Partition (rearrange) the array A[p..r] into two (possibly empty) subarrays A[p..q-1] and A[p+1..r] such that each element of A[p..q-1] is less than or equal to A[q], which is, in turn, less than or equal to each element of A[p+1..r]. Compute the index q as part of this partitioning procedure.
Conquer: Sort the two subarrays A[p..q-1] and A[q+1..r] by recursive calls to quicksort.
Combine: Because the subarrays are already sorted, no work is needed to combine them: the entire array A[p..r] is now sorted.
The following procedure implements quicksort:
To sort an entire array A, the initial call is QUICKSORT(A, 1, A.length).
Partitioning the array
The key to the algorithm is the PARTITION procedure, which rearranges the subarray A[p..r] in place.
Divide: Partition (rearrange) the array A[p..r] into two (possibly empty) subarrays A[p..q-1] and A[p+1..r] such that each element of A[p..q-1] is less than or equal to A[q], which is, in turn, less than or equal to each element of A[p+1..r]. Compute the index q as part of this partitioning procedure.
Conquer: Sort the two subarrays A[p..q-1] and A[q+1..r] by recursive calls to quicksort.
Combine: Because the subarrays are already sorted, no work is needed to combine them: the entire array A[p..r] is now sorted.
The following procedure implements quicksort:
if p < r
q = PARTITION(A, p, r)
QUICKSORT(A, p, q - 1)
QUICKSORT(A, q + 1, r)
To sort an entire array A, the initial call is QUICKSORT(A, 1, A.length).
Partitioning the array
The key to the algorithm is the PARTITION procedure, which rearranges the subarray A[p..r] in place.
x = A[r]
i = p - 1
for j = p to r - 1
if A[j] <= x
i = i + 1
exchange A[i] with A[j]
exchange A[i + 1] with A[r]
return i + 1
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